I have a confession to make. I hate Facebook. Not a smart thing to admit for anyone who claims to be a member of the media/advertising/marketing world today. Facebook is a juggernaut, an uber-site, a King Kong of social media. You have to be on Facebook. Have to!!! And I am, but it's painful.
Our Pennysavers, our Today's CNY Woman Magazine and everything else we do have a presence on Facebook. That's a very good thing, and your business needs a presence there, too. But for me, as a consumer, to follow any of these sites, I have to register as a user and it's only a matter of time before people I know find me. They want to be friends. So, okay, let's be friends. I don't want to offend anyone I really know by saying nyet to their request. But then it starts..."going to lunch now"..."chilling on the porch with my dog Snuggles"..."help me grow Brussels sprouts on my pretend farm". Your friends, your relatives, your spouse's friends and relatives, co-workers and more all bombard you with the minutiae of their lives. I'm sorry, but it makes me crazy. Thus, I stay away from checking and updating my Facebook info and am out of the social media loop. That's not a very good thing.
Where's this going? I must practice what I preach. I've got to learn to love new things. I can't decide what's good for our business based on what I like or don't like. Neither should you. I've been on any number of client calls through the years where the marketing decision maker says "I don't read your paper." So they don't advertise with us even though we reach 99% of the marketplace with weekly readership in better than 8 out of 10 homes, all independently audited information. Doesn't matter what you do. Decision makers have to be in touch with what their customers (and prospective customers) are doing/reading/surfing and make marketing decisions on the facts, not their own personal habits. There are so many options today for spending the ad dollar that research and knowledge are critical to making sound advertising decisions, more than ever before. And it's only going to get more complex as more options come to the table.
Our job at the Scotsman is to sell advertising, yes...but our success is based on your success, your long term success. We win when you do. And believe me, we want to win. Let's talk sometime about how we can help you make good decisions for your business and make us both more successful. Drop us a line at info@scotsmanmediagroup.com.
Thanks very much for your time!