Please note that I do not have a horse in this race:
1. I am not promoting the book that is the subject of the blog.
2. I am not promoting the email subscription they are inviting you to join.
I simply like the message. Focus on less, produce more.
For some time now I have experienced "memory loss." It's called CRS (Can't Remember Stuff, although another "S" word is often used...but this is a family friendly column). I don't recall if I already put sweetener in my coffee, forget people's names, where I set down the screwdriver I was just using, stuff like that. I referred to it jokingly as Early Onset Dementia. Then I started working part-time as a chaplain in a local nursing home with a population of folks who suffer from real memory loss issues. Without sharing the profound impact some of these folks have had on me it will suffice to say that I have stopped joking about my supposed memory issues. I know now that I don't have them, but I have indeed lost focus. There are both personal and professional ramifications.
One item in the blog that really struck me was this statement: "The human brain is a processor, not a hard drive." Makes sense when you think of all the processes within our minds and bodies that the brain runs. For most of us we breathe, blood pumps, eyes see, little decisions are made with no conscious effort at all. The problem we have is that we are asking the brain to process so much more, and most of it is not necessary to accomplish what we want that day, that week or in our lifetime. Fact is, most of the non-necessary stuff impedes our brain's ability to focus on what is truly important.
So before you click the link above to the blog, take a piece of paper, draw a line vertically down the center of it and write "Personal" at the top on one side and "Professional" on the other. Then write down your most important goals. Focus on the ones that will give you what you really want in life: love, happiness, success and so on. Then read the blog and pay attention to suggestions on how to clear your calendar of the stuff that really doesn't help you get where you really want to be.
I am going to do the same right now. Before I forget to do it.
Be sure to join us for the FCPNY Leadership Summit in Syracuse on October 5 & 6 and note that your graphic artists can attend the Tuesday session with Ed Henninger and the Graphic Awards luncheon at no charge. Details are HERE