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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Weathering the storm...and I don't mean Sandy

This is the morning after, the day following Hurricane Sandy's arrival in the Northeast. All of our thoughts and prayers are with those whose lives have been turned upside down by the event.

Here in Central NY we were spared much of what was promised by local weather forecasters. Watching local news this morning I almost got a sense of disappointment on the part of a couple meteorologists that there wasn’t as much wind and rain for us, not because they wish devastation upon their community but because they are so passionate about what they do.  Each of these local weather people have a little bit of the Weather Channel's Jim Cantore in them, that pioneer-meets-stunt man work ethic that puts them literally in the eye of the storm. You can't help but wonder what a little more enthusiasm and passion would do for all of us in our jobs and in the world we would create.

Flip side. Here is text from an e-mail I received yesterday from a media buyer at an ad agency we work with, asking for a rate proposal for their client's insert delivery this year (client name removed):


Relative to the attached RFP for the Xxxxxx Xxxx 2013 insert distribution schedule, we request that your response to this RFP provides the lowest (non rate card) CPM level you will offer – the discount level is not to be compared to 2012, but based on current downward trends of newspaper circulations, in addition to the surge of other options that all annual advertisers have to consider.

We need to provide Xxxxxx Xxxx with the most cost effective way of getting their weekly promotions in front of as many customers as possible in 2013.

Woe is me! My passion is crushed! How depressing to work in the newspaper industry! At least that's the message this industry youngster is conveying in the quest for rock bottom pricing this year. My initial reaction is to run out and secure employment with one of those "surge of other options" companies, many of whom weren't here for the 2012 RFP and may not make it to the 2014. I can't blame the media buyer for her attitude, though. The fact is that during her time in college and career all she has seen and known is a declining attitude toward print, be it paid or free, home or rack delivered, newspaper or shopper. Couple that with the worst recession any of us have likely lived through and voila...drop your price because we don't see rate card value in your product any longer. 

Woe is me, and I mean it this time. I think I have always been passionate but it's not enough anymore. I think I work hard, work smart but it's not enough anymore. I know we in our industry have to find new ways to bring relevance, value and excitement to readers and clients. Jim Cantore is exciting. I need to be like Jim. And I need to do it before the next storm comes through. Hope you'll join me.

Drop us a note with comments and ideas on how to get excited in business today. Reach me at tcuskey@scotsmanmediagroup.com. Thanks for your time!

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