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Thursday, October 4, 2012

My campaign starts today!

Last night, the candidates squared off in the first of the 2012 presidential debates. The timing is odd but today in my e-mail inbox I find a message titled "Could 2013 Be Worse That 2008?” (What a happy thought). A connection? I didn't think either candidate did that poorly so perhaps the timing of this email is just coincidental. The email promotes a free seminar on how to sell, specifically by examining "what causes sales." Like what causes earthquakes, or what causes spots on glasses in the dishwasher? I am dying to find out.

I am experienced in training others on how to "cause" a sale, at least in the old school sense of selling. Things are different today in many ways. But I am equally versed in the science of what doesn't cause a sale (you are too, no doubt). And those things never seem to change. If you don't seek out new customers you won't make a sale. If you don't bring new value to old customers you won't make a sale. If you give no service, or (worse) if you give crappy service you won't make a sale. If your terms and timing aren't right you won't make a sale. If your price exceeds your value you won't make a sale. The list goes on.

If your place is like our place your sales staff & your sales colleagues come up with some of the most innovative, creative ways to explain why sales don't happen. Even I can explain in graphic detail why sales stink right now. I sometimes even convince myself that it's not my fault. "It's the economy...goes back to 2008...I keep waiting for this recovery I keep hearing about. Maybe in 2013!"

But I am wrong. It is my fault.

It’s my fault for believing that I couldn’t sell in a tough economy. It’s my fault for believing that because it stinks for everyone else it’s okay if it stinks for me. It’s my fault for thinking that the coming election will solve our woes, at least for a little while. Truth is, the only positive thing that can happen this November will be the things that I accomplish with my positive attitude in action. Positive attitude in action will cause sales. Positive attitude in action will prevent 2013 from being 2008 all over again. Positive attitude in action will help me to grow personally, professionally and financially. Maybe prevent another economic meltdown. Not Obama, not Romney. Me.

So vote for me. And I’ll vote for you. Together we can figure this out.

Attitude adjustments come free with advertising packages you invest in with Scotsman publications. Drop us a line at info@scotsmanmediagroup.com. Thank you!

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